Video - A Must for Your Website

James Corley • January 18, 2022

If you aren't using video on your website, then undoubtedly your website is going to slowly dribble away into a pool of nothingness as consumers seek out websites that use videos.

Technology is Changing Us

Unless you live under a rock, then you have been impacted by the ever changing world of technology. It seems that every time you turn around there is a new gadget on the market that revolutionizes the way we do things. It's mind blowing to look back at how many changes have taken place in the world of technology over the last 20 years. The internet was still a novelty and just getting started 20 years ago... and I remember being overwhelmingly excited if I was able to get a modem connection speed above 30k!! Oh my how the world has changed.

The changes that have taken place in the world of technology have dramatically impacted our lives and the way that we receive and process information. In years past, if you had an important message that you wanted to present to consumers, you could simply post that message on your website or send out a mailer for consumers to read. Well, those days are gone... if you have noticed, people don't read anymore. If you are still reading this article then you are certainly in the minority, in fact there's a good chance that about 85% of the people that started reading this article have already stopped. That means that this means of communication is much less effective than in times past. That's where video comes into the picture.

The Rise of YouTube

Have you ever heard of YouTube? Duh! Silly question... and that makes my point! Everyone has heard of YouTube and without a doubt, everyone has used YouTube. This is the generation of video... and if you don't believe me then check out the statistics on how many hours of video are watched every single day on YouTube, it's mind numbing!!

So this this the generation that would much rather watch a video about how to fix the hole that they just punched in the wall than read an article about how to do it. Even if the article has nice pictures that show the process step by step... I can guarantee that 99 out of 99 would rather see the video of someone teaching them how to fix the hole than to read about it. And that means that if you have any hopes of reaching this generation with your message, you had better invest in adding video messaging to your website!

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